This long termed project could be looked upon as a very close up research of an every day pattern, the striped fabric. It begins with a process where circles, in successively growing sizes, are cut out of a striped fabric. The circles are then placed with precision on top of each other to create visual disturbances, as formations in water or sound waves. Parts of this project where shown at Berg Gallery in 2021. An earlier generation of the same method lead to a piece of public art placed at KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology.
💥 from presstext: The textile collages in the series “Aspect of a Striped Fabric” are characterized by visual disturbances that can bring thoughts to hypnotic images, op art and the British artist Bridget Riley. The measurable parameters of Bergström’s working method interact with factors that cannot be controlled as easily – the simple and tangible is set against the complex.

Textile application, framed inbetween two sheets of flat glass inside a solid oak frame.
Photo: Axel Öhman

Textile application, framed inbetween two sheets of flat glass inside a solid oak frame.
Photo: Axel Öhman

Textile application, framed inbetween two sheets of flat glass inside a solid oak frame.
Photo: Axel Öhman

Textile application, framed inbetween two sheets of flat glass inside a solid oak frame.

Textile application, framed inbetween two sheets of flat glass inside a solid oak frame.

Textile application, framed inbetween two sheets of flat glass inside a solid oak frame.

Textile application, framed inbetween two sheets of flat glass inside a solid oak frame.