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Vessels & Weaves, Berg Gallery 2019


The “Vessels and Weaves” exhibition takes its starting point in plates, bowls, urns, bowls and patchworks, ceramics and textile and in eight great artists who based their works in the exhibition on these eternal shapes and materials.

“Vessels and Weaves” questions what defines an object as a work of art or craft, and a practitioner as an artist or artisan? Is it the shape and the formative language, the material, the practitioner’s academic background, intention or idea, the viewer’s experience, the work’s function or perhaps the lack of function? Or is it even relevant and possible to draw a line, will the division soon be overplayed?

Magnus af Petersens (former director at Bonniers Konsthall) said in connection with last year’s exhibition New Materialism “… the distinction between form and content is difficult to maintain and the content also comes from the material and is not just conveyed by it. The physical and tactile are realities that we apparently neither want to or can ignore.”

The exhibition presents new works by Inger Bergström (SE), Kennet Williamsson (SE), Karin Bablok (DE), Karin Bengtsson (SE), Bodil Manz (DK), Mieke Everat (BE) and Sunna Jonsdotter (SE). All artists (except Karin Bablok) will be present at the opening on Thursday 26 September 17.00 – 20.00.

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